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出海!AOTUO奥拓卸船机集港起航,驶向印尼! Set sail! AOTUO brand ship unloader sets sail from the port, heading towards Indonesia!


On April 19, 2024, one set of AOTUO brand continuous screw ship unloader was loaded and sent to Shanghai Port for collection, setting sail towards Indonesia!



The purchaser of this equipment is Hongshi Group, one of the top 500 Chinese enterprises, top 500 private enterprises in China, and one of the 12 nationally supported large cement enterprises.This equipment is used at the dedicated terminal of the Indonesian Hongshi Balikpapan Transfer Terminal project, a subsidiary of Hongshi Group. The commissioning of the AOTUO continuous environmentally friendly screw ship unloader will change the traditional mode of tanker transportation and pumping for unloading and transportation in Indonesia, and upgrade the technology and equipment for dry bulk material unloading in Indonesia, with profound significance.


This project will also be another big step for AOTUO to expand its overseas market following the national "the Belt and Road" strategy



The screw ship unloader is being loaded into the factory of Aotuo



Freight trucks loaded with screw ship unloaders are ready to depart


In the future, AOTUO will continue to adhere to the values of "achieving customers, seeking practicality and innovation", and make greater contributions to the loading and unloading of dry bulk materials such as coal, cement, and grain in global ports by continuously improving loading and unloading efficiency and service quality. Never forget our original intention and keep in mind our mission. AOTUO will practice the mission of "building a global benchmark enterprise for dry bulk material loading and unloading equipment, and making port bulk material operations more efficient, environmentally friendly, and intelligent because of us", and continue to move forward!
